How do I add an ASAM track to a user’s Fidelity Platform Account?

If you wish to add an ASAM track for your full team, please contact your Customer Success Manager directly. If you do not know who your Customer Success Manager is, please email or call 888-889-8866 for assistance. 

If only some of your team members will need access to the ASAM track, we will create two teams for your organization:

  • one with ASAM access for those users who need the ASAM track
  • one team without ASAM for those users that only need the Fidelity Platform Content.

The same team administrator may be assigned to both teams.

If you are a Team Administrator for multiple teams, when you log into your account and select “My Account” from the side navigation bar, you will see a screen similar to the below. Both of the teams you have admin access for will be displayed. You will need to select the team you want to view administration for.